Bhakha Tulku Rinpoche


I hope this blog will be a convenient place to find lots of information. Please come in and look around. You'll find links to informative and inspiring videos and teachings. There are calendars of Vairotsana Foundation New Mexico events, retreats and special practice days. I hope to share in detail the process of building the Zuni Mountain Stupa through pictures and a narrative.
The blog is interactive. Please post comments and start dialogues. Help me make this blog useful to you. Lets share everything from the sublime teachings to mundane things like recipes.

Stan Giser

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Building the Stupa and construction progress:

I never dreamed that I would be a stupa builder. When the project began, I thought experts would be in charge, and I would just make sure materials were delivered on time, etc.

Things did not turn out that way at all! Experts did emerge and provide guidance as to the layout and the placement of sacred items, and, of course, the Lamas performed all the neccessary ceremonies. But as to the building itself, Matthew and I have been on our own. There were many, many choices of materials and building systems. We employed a structural engineer who developed plans so we could get permits, but every step of the way reality stepped in and forced us to rethink pretty much everything.

Our original thinking was to build in a traditional way with traditional materials. We soon discovered that there was not really a tradition to follow. Much to our surprise, from the unique foundation of 14 helical screws drilled into the earth's bedrock 9 feet below ground, to the Mikey Block (insulated concrete forms), and the Bhumpa (dome) which is a monolithic dome made by spraying a ballon with foam and concrete, the Stupa is very high tech.

All the High Tech features will be hidden behind a very "green"and traditional hydraulic lime plaster. This technique has been used for centuries in Europe and results in very warm looking finish that is also exceptionally durable and very beautiful.

To be continued. Please click on comments to ask questions or make observations.

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